I am a good person, how to- lay down and admit and love me
Korean Title: 나는 괜찮은 사람 입니다
Author: Falun
Publisher: Jeongto Publishing
ISBN: 9791187297260
336 page /138 * 200 mm
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>>>This book is written in Korean. |
About This Book
It's not about finding the answer, it's about changing your point of view.
These days, it is said that youth no longer live for happiness or success.
That would be a proof that our lives are hard and our future is unstable.
To a youth who has been asking questions that have been left for a long time in the frustrating reality, Buddhist monk Falyun says that there is no correct answer.
There are no fixed answers in our lives, so if you want to change your life, I recommend that you change your thinking habits and change your perspective.
Live with the mind that'I am very good at this point.
If you accept different viewpoints, the present reality is not lacking.'
Then, like a calm lake, my mind is relaxed, and like a sparkling sunlight, my appearance shines.
Happiness, which seemed distant because of the vague reality, comes with such a close and natural natural pleasure.
Youth laughter blooms in free thoughts.
This is the positive energy that saves me and saves my surroundings, and is also a source of power to change reality.
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