The Big Sleep
Korean Title: Big Sleep
Translator: Hyunjoo Park
Publisher: Book House
375 pages.
Translator: Hyunjoo Park
Publisher: Book House
375 pages.
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>>>This book is written in Korean only. |
About This Book
"His thin, claw-like hands were folded loosely on the rug, purple-nailed. A few
locks of dry white hair clung to his scalp, like wild flowers fighting for life
on a bare rock." Published in 1939, when Raymond Chandler was 50, this is the
first of the Philip Marlowe novels. Its bursts of sex, violence, and explosively
direct prose changed detective fiction forever. "She was trouble. She was tall
and rangy and strong-looking. Her hair was black and wiry and parted in the
middle. She had a good mouth and a good chin. There was a sulky droop to her
lips and the lower lip was full."
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