Economics of Sustainable Agriculture & the Linear Programming
by Jongmoo Kim
size: A5, 510pages. publisher: Sungkyunkwan University Press, 1997.
Table of contents
- Preface
- Part one: Organic farming method
- Part two: Application of Linear Programming Method
- Part three: Economics of peasant farms
- Index
From this book
This publication is the collection or articles presented at the International conferences in abroad during 1990-97. I was very fortunate to present papers in Canada, China, Germany, Hungary,Japan, Russia and the United States during last 6 years. This publication may be useful to the student who wish to learn about sustainable agriculture and application of the linear programming method.
First of all, I wish to thank Dr. H. C. Reisch, E., at the University of Hohenheim for his scientific guidance, while I was a graduate student and visiting professor at the lnsttute of Agriculturel Economics. I wish also to thank many people who read earlier draft of papers and correcyed English language. Professor Dr. Koepf, H. H. read some papers and corrected English language. I have visited him at the Emerson College in England and the Michael Field Agricultural Institute in East Troy, Wisconsin in September 1992. Minister Dr. Hutchins read also my papers and corrected English language. Many people helped me sending information and software. Dr. Madden, J.P., President of the World Sustainable Agriculture Association in Los Angles and Professor Cheng Xu, former Vice-President of University invited me to present my paperr at the Beijing Agricultural University in People's Republic of China in October 1994.
Wisconsin Univesity and Russian Science of Academy invited me to present my paper in Moscow International Women's Conference. Some papers were presented at the meeting of IFOAM Scientific Conference in Hungary and Japan. The Korean Science Promotion Foundation, Ministry of Education granted me international travel fund for last three years to visit Hungary, Moscow and the United Stes. I wish to thank for their financial support.
Labelle,B., and Dr. Hemann, C., at the Duck Sung University in Seoul read a few draft of papers and corrected English language. Some articles were already publish in the Review of Korean Economy, Journal of Korea Institute of Industrial Research, Sung Kyun Kwan University and Review of Agricultural Policy, Journal of Korean Association of Agricultural Policy. The Westen Economic Association International in California invited me to present my papers at San Diego July 1995 and at San Francisco in July-August 1996. I wish to to thank all of them for their kind comments. There are certainly many names which I cannot express deep gratitude to them.
Professor Dr. Waibel, H., at the Hannover University in Germany invited me to held lecture on pesticide application in vegetable production in Korea during January-Febuary 1996. The German Academic Exchange Service(DAAD) financed international travel cost and maintenance in Germany for two months period. I wish to thank them for their financial support and scientific cooperation. I wish to thank Gallagher, K.D., Ph.D., UNDP IPM traning specialist to correct some paper. I wish to thank the Committee of Publication at the Sung Kyunn Kwan University to publish this book. - Author
size: A5, 510pages. publisher: Sungkyunkwan University Press, 1997.
Table of contents
- Preface
- Part one: Organic farming method
- Part two: Application of Linear Programming Method
- Part three: Economics of peasant farms
- Index
From this book
This publication is the collection or articles presented at the International conferences in abroad during 1990-97. I was very fortunate to present papers in Canada, China, Germany, Hungary,Japan, Russia and the United States during last 6 years. This publication may be useful to the student who wish to learn about sustainable agriculture and application of the linear programming method.
First of all, I wish to thank Dr. H. C. Reisch, E., at the University of Hohenheim for his scientific guidance, while I was a graduate student and visiting professor at the lnsttute of Agriculturel Economics. I wish also to thank many people who read earlier draft of papers and correcyed English language. Professor Dr. Koepf, H. H. read some papers and corrected English language. I have visited him at the Emerson College in England and the Michael Field Agricultural Institute in East Troy, Wisconsin in September 1992. Minister Dr. Hutchins read also my papers and corrected English language. Many people helped me sending information and software. Dr. Madden, J.P., President of the World Sustainable Agriculture Association in Los Angles and Professor Cheng Xu, former Vice-President of University invited me to present my paperr at the Beijing Agricultural University in People's Republic of China in October 1994.
Wisconsin Univesity and Russian Science of Academy invited me to present my paper in Moscow International Women's Conference. Some papers were presented at the meeting of IFOAM Scientific Conference in Hungary and Japan. The Korean Science Promotion Foundation, Ministry of Education granted me international travel fund for last three years to visit Hungary, Moscow and the United Stes. I wish to thank for their financial support.
Labelle,B., and Dr. Hemann, C., at the Duck Sung University in Seoul read a few draft of papers and corrected English language. Some articles were already publish in the Review of Korean Economy, Journal of Korea Institute of Industrial Research, Sung Kyun Kwan University and Review of Agricultural Policy, Journal of Korean Association of Agricultural Policy. The Westen Economic Association International in California invited me to present my papers at San Diego July 1995 and at San Francisco in July-August 1996. I wish to to thank all of them for their kind comments. There are certainly many names which I cannot express deep gratitude to them.
Professor Dr. Waibel, H., at the Hannover University in Germany invited me to held lecture on pesticide application in vegetable production in Korea during January-Febuary 1996. The German Academic Exchange Service(DAAD) financed international travel cost and maintenance in Germany for two months period. I wish to thank them for their financial support and scientific cooperation. I wish to thank Gallagher, K.D., Ph.D., UNDP IPM traning specialist to correct some paper. I wish to thank the Committee of Publication at the Sung Kyunn Kwan University to publish this book. - Author