Gender Division of Labor in Korea
by Hyoung Cho & Pilwha Chang
414pages. Ewha Womans University Press, 1994.
Table of contents
Preface / Cho Hyoung & Chang Pil-wha
I. Gender Division of Labor at Work
- The Gender Division of Labour at Work / Chang Pil-wha
- Women's Wage Labor in Korean heavy and Chemical Industry Sectors / Shim Young-hee
- Legal Rights of Women As Workers / Shin In-ryung
- Gender Division of Labor and sskill As a Factor of Sex Wage Differentials / Kim Mi-ju
- Gender Division of Labor in the Information Society / Lee Jae-kyung
II. Household Division of Labor
- Household Economy and Gender Division of Labor / Cho Hyoung
- The Gender Division of Labor within the Worker's Family: With Special Emphasis on Male Participation in Child Care / Kim Mi-ha
III. Sex Role Attitude and Communication
- Value Orientations and Sex-Gender Role Atitudes: On the Comparability of Attitudes of and Americans / Kim Byong-suh
- Sex Role Socialization in the Korean Family / choi Sun-yuel
IV. Politics and Gender
- The Limits and Possibilities of the Women's Movement in Korea / Cho Soon-kyoung
- Gender Division of Labor and the Authoritarian Development State: Korean Experience / Lee Hye-kyung
- The "Woman Question" in the Minjok-Minju Movement: A Discourse Analysis of A New Women's Movement in 1980's Korea / Cho Hae-joang
- A Study on the Formation of the Feminist Consciousness in Working Class Women through Labor Struggle / Lee Sook-jin
414pages. Ewha Womans University Press, 1994.
Table of contents
Preface / Cho Hyoung & Chang Pil-wha
I. Gender Division of Labor at Work
- The Gender Division of Labour at Work / Chang Pil-wha
- Women's Wage Labor in Korean heavy and Chemical Industry Sectors / Shim Young-hee
- Legal Rights of Women As Workers / Shin In-ryung
- Gender Division of Labor and sskill As a Factor of Sex Wage Differentials / Kim Mi-ju
- Gender Division of Labor in the Information Society / Lee Jae-kyung
II. Household Division of Labor
- Household Economy and Gender Division of Labor / Cho Hyoung
- The Gender Division of Labor within the Worker's Family: With Special Emphasis on Male Participation in Child Care / Kim Mi-ha
III. Sex Role Attitude and Communication
- Value Orientations and Sex-Gender Role Atitudes: On the Comparability of Attitudes of and Americans / Kim Byong-suh
- Sex Role Socialization in the Korean Family / choi Sun-yuel
IV. Politics and Gender
- The Limits and Possibilities of the Women's Movement in Korea / Cho Soon-kyoung
- Gender Division of Labor and the Authoritarian Development State: Korean Experience / Lee Hye-kyung
- The "Woman Question" in the Minjok-Minju Movement: A Discourse Analysis of A New Women's Movement in 1980's Korea / Cho Hae-joang
- A Study on the Formation of the Feminist Consciousness in Working Class Women through Labor Struggle / Lee Sook-jin