The Girl Next Door
Author: Jack Ketchum
Translator: Haeng-seon Jeon
Publisher: Crop Circle
448 pages | 210*140mm
Important! Please read before you order! |
>>>This book is written in Korean. |
About This Book
In a quiet suburban town in the summer of 1958, two recently orphaned
sisters are placed in the care of their mentally unstable Aunt Ruth. But
Ruth s depraved sense of discipline will soon lead to unspeakable acts
of abuse and torture that involve her young sons, the neighborhood
children, and one 12-year-old boy whose life will be changed forever.
" ... the thing that makes The Girl Next Door so disturbing: the fact
that the reader, even though repulsed by the story, cannot look away.
The Girl Next Door is definitely NOT for the faint of heart." -- --
Henry W. Wagner, Cemetery Dance
"... the closest thing we have to an American Clive Barker... " ". . .
no writer who has ever read him can help being infulenced by him, and no
general reader who runs across his work can easily forget him. He has
become an archetype." -- -- Stephen King
"Realism is what makes this novel so terrifying ... the monsters ..are
human, and all the more horrifying for it. -- Mike Baker, Afraid
"THE GIRL NEXT DOOR is alive...it does not just promise terror but
actually delivers it.. it's a page-turner.." -- Stephen King, from the
Introduction to The Girl Next Door
"This is the real stuff, horror embedded in genuine literature, an
uncomfortable dip into the pitch blackness in the underside of the
American literary tradition."-- -- Edward Bryant, Locus Publications
Availability: Usually ships in 5~10 business days.