It Was Love
Author: Bi-ya Han
Publisher: Purunsoop
300 pages | 199*135mm
Important! Please read before you order! |
>>>This book is written in Korean. |
About This Book
Han Bi-ya, 51, a celebrated travel writer and relief worker, recently
appeared on a television show and talked about her tough but inspiring
career to the audience. Her story about the unusual experiences and
exploration of the world’s remote areas was the talk of the town and has
immediately pushed her latest book, "It Was Love," a collection of
essays, to the top of the bestseller list. The book is gaining
popularity mainly due to her reputation as a bestselling travel writer
but also because the untold stories reveal the decision behind her new
Han, who leads an emergency relief team at World Vision Korea, went to
the United States to earn a master’s degree in humanitarian assistance
at Tufts University near Boston, Mass. Renowned for her best-selling
book “March to the World, Off the Map,” which inspired readers to
achieve their dream and explore the world, the author has been regarded
as one of the most desirable women in Korea in many surveys.
"It Was Love" was coincidently released as she quit working at World
Vision Korea in July after working for eight-and-half-years to study
abroad. The author tells her stories in a casual way by looking
back to her relief works in disaster-stricken areas and private
emotions. In this book, Han confesses her distress and the solitude
behind her energetic, cheerful and even hyper image. She was shocked by
the traumatic scenes such as hundreds of corpses left in disaster areas
in Indonesia in the wake of the tsunami in 2004. Han has wrestled with
such psychological traumas to continue her mission to save refugees who
need emergency relief. But, she says, sometimes she needs cheer when she
is dragged into depression and fatigue without any reason. "I don’t
think cheering means encouraging a boxer knocked down on the ring to
stand up and fight again. It’s easy to cheer up someone who is doing
well. But it needs careful considerations when we cheer somebody who
falls down on the ring of `life.’ We should understand the state of the
person who falls down on the ring to encourage and respect his or her
decision and instead calmly comforts," she said.
Concerning her reputation as a role model for many youngsters, she
thinks it weird that she was put on the list. "I don’t understand why I
was chosen alongside other powerful figures. I don’t have any influence
to change the nation nor am I beloved by many people. But the only
reason I think it might be is because I changed the standard of success
or at least diversified it. Of course, still, power, influence, money
and popularity are the keys to someone’s success. On the top of that, I
might add one more thing to it ¯ regardless of money or social status,
just doing what I want to do and live freely and help others," she said.
Han pointed out that visible success is not everything and, instead,
other merits should be included ¯ helping, encouraging others, and
pursuing their self-established principles and faith. The traveler
reveals her humble lifestyle which was formed during her travels around
the world, mostly on foot. She says that while on the road, she carries
a 40-kilogram backpack. "While I am wearing a heavy backpack, I realize
that having many things doesn’t give me freedom but rather a shackle. On
the trip, we can realize that there are not many things necessary for
our daily life," she said.
Han also mentions global leadership which is emerging as a campaign in
government and corporations. However, she points out the widespread
misunderstanding of true global leadership. She says that in most cases,
global leadership often focuses on how the nation has a competitive edge
over others and how much money can be earned in the global market. "If
the nation truly wants to be the global leader, it should have the soft
power that shares the global problems the minorities are suffering in
international society and the efforts to resolve them, along with hard
power such as economic or military power," she says. She emphasizes that
to become a global leader, it is necessary to become a global citizen
first. As the leader of the relief team, the global citizen should
recognize the world as a joint community to struggle with global
problems together and pay attention to the backward countries which
desperately need help. "I don’t think the global citizenship is
optional. It’s the `spirit of the times,"’ she says. Toward the end of
the book, she expresses her deep appreciation for the heightened
awareness of Koreans who support global relief activities. The number of
patrons for World Vision Korea has risen from 20,000 in 2000 to 330,000
in 2009.
Han first became known for her travel books such as the four-volume best
seller, "Daughter of the Wind: Three and a Half Times Around the Globe
on Foot," an account of her seven-year travels. She quit a high-status
job at Burson-Marsteller, a global public relations and communications
firm. Han then explored the world, particularly a number of remote
areas, alone and on foot. In some countries such as Afghanistan, she put
herself in hazardous situations and was lucky to survive. During her
travels, she decided to devote her life to helping refugees as a
volunteer worker. Han graduated with a degree in English Literature from
Hongik University. Since 2001, she has been involved in international
emergency relief work, leading the Emergency Relief Team for World
Vision Korea and contributing to raising awareness of international
relief issues in Korea.
-- Chung Ah-young (koretimes.co.kr)
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