The Jealousy
Author: Alain Robbe-Grillet
Translator: Imun Park, Hee-won Park
Publisher: Minumsa
167 pages.
Important! Please read before you order! |
>>>This book is written in Korean only. |
About This Book
Jealousy, the old standby in fiction and drama, is the subject of this short
French novel set on a banana plantation in the West Indies. Robbe-Grillet's La
Jalousie treats a traditional situation (husband, wife, outsider) in a
fascinating, detective-story-like way. Readers discover as they read what is
happening and speculate on how to interpret the incidents related. The whole
fascination of the novel lies in the question: What really happened? It can be
raised almost at every page. No two critics ever agree on the answer. Questions,
given in French, as notes, serve to alert readers to the significance of certain
facts and give them a grasp of the techniques Robbe-Grillet uses. The general
introduction, in English, briefly discusses the significance of the "new novel,"
Robbe-Grillet's particular theories, and attempts to place La Jalousie in
perspective without giving away clues to the solution of the story, which
readers will want to find for themselves.
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