Korean History: Discovery of Its Characteristics and Developments

Item# korhistdis
Author: Korean National Commission for UNESCO
Publisher: Hollym
Pub. Date: Jan. 2004
684 pages

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>>>This book is written in English.

About This Book

Compiled with a view to display the endeavors of Korean historians who sought to correct the distorted images of history, this book presents 29 articles carefully selected from the Korea Journal that span various fields and cover all periods of Korean history: ancient, Goryeo (918-1392), Joseon (1392-1910), modern, colonial and post-liberation (1945- ). As the original articles were limited in number and subject, this selection does not necessarily cover every aspect of Korean history nor highlight a wide range of fields within each historical period. This book, nevertheless, presents some of the more interesting and important articles worthy of being introduced to Western academic societies through English translation. Some of the major entries in the book include: "Formation of the Ethnic Korean Nation and the Emergence of Its Ancient Kingdom State," "A Comparison of the 1894 Peasant Army Revolution and the French Revolution," "Korean Resistance to Imperial Japanese Aggression," and "The Nature and Process of the Korean National Liberation." Since Korea's liberation from Japanese colonial rule in 1945, Korean historians have tried incessantly to restore the true history of the nation while at the same time critiquing Japanese colonial historiography. Recovering losses from the Japanese 35-year-long occupation, however, proved to be extremely difficult due to subsequent political upheaval, ideological confrontation, national division and the Korean War, and military dictatorship. It was not until the late 1960s that stable academic activity began to grow and expand. Many articles in this volume, written in the 1970s and thereafter, are outcomes of the initial boom among historians who addressed discrepancies in historical texts and aimed to accurately document Korean history.

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