Nanjung Ilgi: War Diary of Admiral Yi Sun-sin

Item# 8971410183
Out-of-Print-Permanently Unavailable
by Taehung Ha (tr.); Powkey Sohn (ed.)

size: A5new, 372pages. publisher: Yonsei University Press, 1980.

About this book

"Calling my staff officers and all ships' captains. I gave the following instruction: 'According to the Principles of Strategy, he who seeks his death shall live, and he who seeks his life shall die. Again the Strategy says, if one home defender stands on watch at a strong gateway he may drive terror deep into the heart of the enemy coming by a ten thousand. These are golden sayings about us. You ships' captains are expected to strictly obey my orders; if not, even the least errors shall not be pardoned, but shall be severely punished by Martial Law.' "
This is the lofty voice of the Admiral, comparable with the teaching of Christ..."He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal." (John 12:25)

In NANJUNG ILGI one can see revelation and performance of this spirit. It portrays the Admiral's camp life, his counter-attacks against Hideyoshi's unjustifiable invasion, giving the enemy a crushing defeat so as to force him to beg for peace. The Admiral held the command of the sea in his hands until his noble death at the hour of his final victory. It reflects his admirable personality and super-human tactics; his Kobukson (Turtle Ship) and other weapons of his ingenuity proved to be death messengers to the enemy. His wonderful military feats outshine those of Nelson, Drake or Jean Bart. The great Korean Commander in the late sixteenth century is the model of all patriots defending their countries against alien aggressors in any part of the world. With his literary skill the picturesque accounts of the battles in the war of 1592-98 in addition to his military life are superbly depicted in this book.

Table of contents
- Foreword
- Preface
- Editor's Note

- Military Command of the Choson Dynasty
- Chronological Career Note
- Synopsis of Battles in Japanese Invasion under Hideyoshi

- Year of Im-jin (1592)
- Year of Kye-sa (1593)
- Year of Kab-o (1594)
- Year of Ul-mi (1595)
- Year of Pyong-sin (1596)
- Year of Chong-yu (1597)
- Year of Mu-sul (1598)

¥°. Bibliography
II. Glossary (Introduction, Text)
III. Maps and Illustrations

Availability: Unavailable.

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