The Story of Christmas
Author: Jane Ray
Publisher: Aga World
H/C | 50 pages | 305*225mm
Important! Please read before you order! |
>>>This book is written in Korean only. |
About This Book
From Publishers Weekly
The King James Version of the Bible provides the text for this graceful and
majestic account of Christ's birth. Gospels according to Matthew and Luke tell
the story of Joseph's journey to Bethlehem with his pregnant wife Mary, and how
under arduous circumstances Jesus was born in a stable there. Although the
formal language may be a bit difficult for some younger readers, Ray's ( Noah's
Ark ) sumptuous folk art paintings and elegant page borders expand and visually
explain the action. Her depiction of the familiar characters as dark-complected
Arabs affixes a sense of realism and historical interpretation to the story. A
scene showing Mary breastfeeding the baby demonstrates a warmth and human depth
that often are missing from religious writings. Gaily garbed angels and delicate
touches of luminous gold paint throughout maintain an air of reverence and joy.
Worthy of classic status, this gorgeous holiday volume is a source of
inspiration for any season. All ages.
Availability: Usually ships in 5~10 business days.