Whale Done!: The Power of Positive Relationships
Author: Kenneth Blanchard
Publisher: Book21 Co., Ltd.
Pub. Date: Jun 2014
Format: 207 X 138 mm
Softcover: 220 pages
Publisher: Book21 Co., Ltd.
Pub. Date: Jun 2014
Format: 207 X 138 mm
Softcover: 220 pages
Do you know how killer whale trainers can get those five-ton animals to perform beautiful leaps and dives?
On this book, "Whale Done!: The Power of Positive Relationships," are some experts who assure that it is not that hard.
One of the top business consultants, Ken Blanchard, explains that the trainers can make the performance possible by building trust, accentuating the positive, and redirecting negative behavior. And his coauthors from SeaWorld, say the technics that can get whales to peform better could be applied to humanbeings at work and home situation.
This book presents easy and appliable technics and examples to build positive relationships from business to everyday life.