Yeol-Nyuh Story
by Yu Hyang, Lee Sook In(translation)
Korean title: Yeol-Nyuh Jun
size: 223*152mm; 712 pages,
publisher: Geulhangari
This book is written in Korean only.
About this book
The ‘Yeol-Nyuh’ of the means ‘many women’ as if they are standing in a line. The is a classic that has been read during the Confucius era in Eastern Asia as womanly studies. was followed by the , and the female contest became an independent genre in each era’s political matters.
The revised and enlarged edition of that’s released this time was started by a translator’s passion who wanted to supplement the limits of the original translations to create a more complete shape. The new translations from China and Japan as well as the research related to the story in Korea and USA fanned the start of a new project. So an effort to catch the errors of the original translations and to increase the quality and quantity of the information through an abundant and detailed translation.
The book also contains Myung-dae’s Gu-Yong-Shil-Bo-Hwae-Do. Also, literature charts relating to is included to serve a function as a research data for researchers.
Availability: Usually ships in 5~10 business days.
Korean title: Yeol-Nyuh Jun
size: 223*152mm; 712 pages,
publisher: Geulhangari
This book is written in Korean only.
About this book
The ‘Yeol-Nyuh’ of the
The revised and enlarged edition of
The book also contains Myung-dae
Availability: Usually ships in 5~10 business days.