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Donguibogam Part 7 : Herbs/Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Donguibogam Part 7 : Herbs/Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Donguibogam Part 7 : Herbs/Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Item#: 9791129016324
Regular price: $132.07
Sale price: $112.26

Product Description
Donguibogam Part 7 : Herbs/Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Author: Heo Jun
Publisher: JinHan M&B
ISBN: 9791129016324
708 page / 188 * 257mm / 1345g

- Donguibogam Part 1 : Intenal Bodily Elemets
- Donguibogam Part 2 : External Bodily Elemets
- Donguibogam Part 3 : Miscellaneous Disorders 1
- Donguibogam Part 4 : PartⅣ- Miscellaneous Disorders 2
- Donguibogam Part 5 : Miscellaneous Disorders3
- Donguibogam Part 6 : Miscellaneous Disorders 4
- Donguibogam Part 7 : Herbs/Acupuncture and Moxibustion

Important! Please read before you order!
>>>This book is written in English.

About This Book

It is an English translation of "Dongui Bogam" by Heo Jun, the nation's best medical book and UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Dongui Bogam Memorial Project Group of the Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine completed the Dongui Bogam edition in 2013 to mark the 400th anniversary of the publication of "Dongui Bogam."

Table of Contents


1. Introduction 湯液序例 탕액 머리글
2. Water 水部 물
3. Soil 土部 흙
4. Grain 穀部 곡식
5. Human Ingredients 人部 사람
6. Avian 禽部 날짐승
7. Land Animals 獸部 길짐승
8. Sea Creatures 魚部 물고기
9. Insects 蟲部 벌레
10. Fruits 果部 과실
11. Vegetables 菜部 야채
12. Plants (1) 草部上 풀
13. Plants (2) 草部下 풀
14. Trees 木部 나무
15. Jades 玉部 옥
16. Minerals and Stones 石部 돌
17. Metals 金部 쇠붙이

PartⅦ _ Acupuncture and Moxibustion

1. Acupuncture and Moxibustion 鍼灸 침구

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